Welcome to our comprehensive guide on “How To Program Woods Outdoor Timer.” Suppose you’ve recently acquired a Woods Outdoor Timer or are considering one for your outdoor electrical devices. In that case, you’re in the right place. This article provides step-by-step instructions and insights to help you make the most of your timer.

The purpose of this guide is to demystify the programming process and make it accessible to everyone, from beginners to experienced users. We’ll walk you through the setup, programming basics, advanced options, and even troubleshooting tips to ensure your Woods Outdoor Timer functions seamlessly.

By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to harness the full potential of your timer, whether you want to automate your outdoor lighting, enhance security, or enjoy the convenience of scheduled operations. Let’s dive in and unlock the power of programming your Woods Outdoor Timer.

Safety Precautions

Safety should be your top concern When working with electrical devices like the Woods Outdoor Timer. Here are some essential safety precautions to keep in mind:

  • Read the Manual: Start by thoroughly reading the user manual with your Woods Outdoor Timer. Understanding the manufacturer’s instructions is crucial.
  • Power Off: Before programming or handling the timer, ensure it is disconnected from the power source. This will prevent any accidental electrical shocks.
  • Dry Conditions: Always work in dry conditions when dealing with electrical devices. Moisture can pose a significant risk, so avoid wet environments.
  • Inspect the Timer: Before each use, inspect the timer for any visible damage or exposed wires. If you notice any issues, do not use it and seek professional assistance.
  • Proper Outlet: Plug the timer into a grounded outdoor outlet designed for the purpose. Avoid overloading the outlet with multiple devices.
  • Extension Cords: If you need extension cords, ensure they are rated for outdoor use and in good condition.
  • Avoid Overloading: Do not exceed the timer’s rated capacity. Overloading it can lead to overheating and potential hazards.
  • Please keep Away from Water: Ensure that the timer and its cords are kept away from water sources, such as sprinklers or puddles.
  • Use a GFCI Outlet: Connect the timer to a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlet. It provides added protection against electrical faults.
  • Children and Pets: Keep the timer and its cords out of the reach of children and pets to prevent accidental tampering.
  • Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect the timer for wear and tear. Replace it if you notice any deterioration.
  • Emergency Procedures: In case of an electrical emergency or malfunction, know how to shut off power to the timer and the connected devices quickly.

By following these safety precautions, you can ensure that your experience with the Woods Outdoor Timer is convenient and safe. Prioritize safety at all times to enjoy the benefits of outdoor automation without risks.

Unboxing and Initial Setup

When you get your Woods Outdoor Timer, the first step is unboxing and preparing it for programming. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Check the Contents: Open the box and ensure you have the timer itself, the user manual, and any accessories that might be included.
  • Read the Manual: Take a moment to read the user manual thoroughly. It will provide specific instructions and details about your timer model.
  • Power Source: Identify the power source for your timer. Depending on the model, it may run on batteries, be solar-powered, or require a direct electrical connection.
  • Batteries: If your timer uses batteries, insert them following the polarity indicated in the manual. Make sure the batteries are fresh and of the correct type.
  • Solar Panel: For solar-powered models, ensure the solar panel is placed in an area with adequate sunlight.
  • Electrical Connection: If the timer needs a direct electrical connection, consult an electrician for safe installation.
  • Mounting: Determine where you want to mount the timer. It should be in a location that allows easy access to programming.
  • Weatherproofing: If your timer will be exposed to the elements, consider weatherproofing measures, such as placing it inside a protective enclosure.
  • Initial Settings: Set the current time on your timer as per the user manual instructions. This is a crucial step for accurate scheduling.
  • Test Run: Before programming your timer, do a test run to ensure it operates correctly. This might involve turning connected devices on and off manually.

Following these initial setup steps, your Woods Outdoor Timer will be ready for programming. In the following sections, we’ll dive into how to program it to suit your outdoor automation needs.

Understanding the Woods Outdoor Timer

You must grasp its features and functions to program your Woods Outdoor Timer effectively. Here’s a concise overview:

  • Clock Setting: Start by setting the current time on the timer. This is the reference point for all your programmed schedules.
  • Program Modes: Woods Outdoor Timers typically offer multiple program modes. These can include daily, weekly, or specific days of the week scheduling. Understand which mode suits your needs.
  • Program Slots: Determine how many program slots your timer provides. This dictates how many different schedules you can set.
  • On/Off Settings: Specify the activation and deactivation times for each program slot. This controls when your connected devices turn on and off.
  • Override Function: Learn how to manually override the timer. If you need immediate control, this function allows you to turn devices on or off outside the programmed schedule.
  • Random Feature: Some Woods Timers offer a random function that is useful for security purposes. It varies the on/off times to give the impression that someone is home.
  • Battery Backup: If your timer uses batteries, understand how to replace them and the importance of battery maintenance.
  • Testing: Always test your programmed schedules to ensure they work as intended. This prevents surprises later on.
  • Weatherproofing: If using the timer outdoors, consider weatherproofing measures to protect it from the elements.
  • User Manual: Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on your timer model.

By comprehending these critical aspects of your Woods Outdoor Timer, you’ll be better prepared to program it effectively for your outdoor automation needs. The following sections will explore the step-by-step programming process and troubleshooting common issues.

outdoor timer gcfi outlet cover blurred

Programming Basics for Your Woods Outdoor Timer

This section will cover the fundamental steps to program your Woods Outdoor Timer effectively. Understanding these basics is crucial for automating your outdoor equipment.

Setting the Clock

To begin programming your timer, you must first set the clock accurately. Follow these steps:

  • Access the Clock Mode: On most Woods Outdoor Timers, there is a “CLOCK” button. Press and hold it to enter the clock-setting mode.
  • Adjust the Hour: While in clock mode, press the “HOUR” button to adjust the hour. Keep an eye on the display to ensure you set the correct time of day.
  • Minute Adjustment: Use the “MINUTE” button to fine-tune the minutes after setting the hour.
  • AM/PM Setting: If your timer uses a 12-hour format, set the appropriate AM or PM designation.
  • Confirm and Exit: Once you’ve set the correct time, press the “CLOCK” button again to confirm and exit the clock-setting mode.

Setting the On and Off Times

Now that your timer’s clock is accurate, you can proceed to program the on and off times for your outdoor devices. Here’s how:

  • Access Program Mode: Look for the “PROGRAM” button and press it to enter the program-setting mode.
  • Select Program Slot: Your timer likely has multiple program slots. Choose the slot you want to program by pressing the corresponding number (e.g., “Program 1”).
  • Set On Time: Use the “HOUR” and “MINUTE” buttons to specify when your outdoor device turns on.
  • Set Off Time: Use the same buttons to set when your device should turn off.
  • Repeat for Additional Programs: If you have multiple devices or different schedules, repeat the process for each program slot.
  • Save and Exit: After configuring your programs, press the “PROGRAM” button again to save your settings and exit program mode.

These programming basics are the foundation for automating your outdoor equipment with a Woods Outdoor Timer. The following sections will explore advanced features and troubleshooting tips to ensure smooth operation.

Advanced Programming Options for Your Woods Outdoor Timer

In this section, we’ll delve into advanced programming options to maximize the flexibility and utility of your Woods Outdoor Timer.

Setting Specific Days of the Week

Customization is vital when it comes to outdoor automation. To tailor your timer’s schedule to your exact needs, follow these steps:

  • Access Program Mode: Enter the program mode by pressing the “PROGRAM” button.
  • Select Program Slot: Choose the program slot you want to customize (e.g., “Program 1”).
  • Choose Days: Instead of the default daily schedule, use the “DAY” button to select specific days of the week when you want your outdoor device to operate.
  • Set On and Off Times: Follow the previous instructions to set your device’s desired on and off times on the selected days.
  • Repeat as Needed: If you have multiple schedules for different days, repeat the process for other program slots.
  • Save and Exit: Press the “PROGRAM” button again to save your customized schedule and exit program mode.

Random Mode

Enhance the security of your home by using the random mode. This function creates the illusion of an occupied house, deterring potential intruders. Here’s how to activate it:

  • Access Random Mode: Press the “RANDOM” button while in program mode.
  • Set Duration: You can typically adjust the random mode’s duration. Use the “HOUR” and “MINUTE” buttons to specify how long you want the random mode to run.
  • Save and Activate: After setting the duration, press “RANDOM” again to save your settings and activate the random mode.

Countdown Mode

Countdown mode is helpful for time-limited operations, such as turning off outdoor decorations after a specific period. To utilize this mode:

  • Access Countdown Mode: Press the “COUNTDOWN” button while in program mode.
  • Set Duration: Use the “HOUR” and “MINUTE” buttons to specify the countdown duration.
  • Save and Activate: Press “COUNTDOWN” again to save your settings and start the countdown.

By mastering these advanced programming options, you can tailor your Woods Outdoor Timer to precisely fit your outdoor automation needs. Whether specific days of the week, enhanced security, or time-limited operations, your timer offers versatile solutions for your outdoor equipment control.

Manual Override

There are instances when you need to bypass your Woods Outdoor Timer’s programmed settings for a temporary manual operation. Here’s how to safely perform a manual override:

  • Locate the Manual Override Switch: You’ll find a manual override switch or button on most Woods Outdoor Timers. It’s usually labelled as “Manual” or “On/Off.”
  • Toggle the Switch: Toggle the manual override switch to the “On” position. This will activate the connected outdoor device immediately, overriding the timer’s schedule.
  • Perform Your Task: You can now use your outdoor equipment as needed while bypassing the timer’s programming.
  • Return to Automatic Mode: When you’re done with the manual operation, don’t forget to return the manual override switch to the “Off” position. This will restore the timer’s programmed schedule.


Sometimes, issues may arise while programming or using your Woods Outdoor Timer. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

1. Problem: The timer is not turning lights on or off.

  • Solution: Check the wiring and ensure it’s correctly connected. Test the timer using the manual override function to verify its operation.

2. Problem: The display must show correct information or be fixed.

  • Solution: Reset the timer by pressing the “Reset” or “Clear” button. If the issue persists, consider replacing the timer’s batteries.

3. Problem: Timer not keeping time accurately.

  • Solution: Make sure you’ve set the timer’s clock correctly. If the problem persists, replace the timer’s batteries.

Maintenance Tips

To ensure your Woods Outdoor Timer remains in excellent working condition for years to come, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Regularly inspect the timer for physical damage or signs of wear.
  • Clean the timer’s exterior and display to prevent dirt and debris buildup.
  • Replace the timer’s batteries annually to ensure reliable operation.
  • Store the timer indoors during harsh weather conditions, especially in extreme cold.
  • Avoid overloading the timer with devices that exceed its rated capacity.

By following these maintenance tips and troubleshooting solutions, you can enjoy the convenience of your Woods Outdoor Timer for outdoor automation while addressing any issues that may arise.


In conclusion, the Woods Outdoor Timer offers a convenient and efficient solution for managing your outdoor electrical devices. Whether you want to control your outdoor lighting, pumps, block heaters, or holiday decorations, this timer provides a range of options to suit your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Versatility: Woods offers a variety of outdoor timers, including mechanical and digital options, with different programming capabilities. You can select the one that best fits your requirements.
  • Automation: These timers allow you to automate the operation of your outdoor devices, ensuring they turn on and off at the desired times. This not only saves energy but also enhances security and convenience.
  • Customization: With specific day selection, random mode, and countdown mode, you can tailor the timer’s settings to your particular schedule and preferences.
  • Heavy-Duty: Woods Outdoor Timers are designed to withstand outdoor conditions, making them durable and reliable for long-term use.
  • Ease of Use: Many Woods timers offer user-friendly programming interfaces, making it simple for anyone to set up and use.


  • Energy Efficiency: You can reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills by automating your outdoor devices.
  • Enhanced Security: Timed lighting can give the appearance of an occupied home, deterring potential intruders.
  • Convenience: No more manual switching on and off; the timer handles it for you.
  • Longevity: These timers are built to last, providing reliable performance year after year.
  • Customization: You can set your desired schedules and modes, adapting to your lifestyle.

A Woods Outdoor Timer is a valuable addition to your outdoor electrical setup, offering convenience, energy savings, and enhanced security. It’s a tool that makes managing your outdoor devices hassle-free and efficient.

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