As a lawn owner, it is essential to keep your lawn looking neat and tidy. A well-manicured lawn not only enhances the beauty of your property but also keeps your home safe from pests and other harmful insects. A string trimmer, also known as a weed eater, is essential for maintaining a beautiful lawn. The trimmer uses a spool of string, also known as a trimmer line, to cut grass, weeds, and other vegetation. This article will explore what is 065 trimmer line to use.

What is 065 Trimmer Line?

Trimmer lines come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. The 065 trimmer line is a string that measures 0.065 inches in diameter. It is a medium-duty string suitable for light to moderate trimming tasks. It is thinner than the standard 080 trimmer line, making it more flexible and maneuverable. The 065 trimmer line is compatible with most string trimmer brands, making it a popular choice among lawn owners.

Uses of 065 Trimmer Line

The 065 trimmer line is ideal for light to moderate trimming tasks, such as trimming grass and weeds around flower beds, sidewalks, and other tight spaces. Its smaller diameter makes it perfect for trimming around trees and other objects without damaging them. The 065 trimmer line is also suitable for small to medium-sized lawns with grass up to six inches tall.

Advantages of 065 Trimmer Line

There are several advantages to using the 065 trimmer line, including:

Increased Flexibility

The 065 trimmer line is thinner than the standard 080 trimmer line, making it more flexible and easier to maneuver. It is perfect for trimming around objects and tight spaces where a thicker line would be too cumbersome.

Better Cutting Performance

The 065 trimmer line is designed to cut through grass and weeds quickly and efficiently. Its smaller diameter lets it cut through thorny vegetation without getting tangled or breaking.

Improved Fuel Efficiency

Using a thinner trimmer line can improve fuel efficiency. The 065 trimmer line puts less strain on the engine, allowing it to run more efficiently and for extended periods.


The 065 trimmer line is less expensive than thicker lines, making it a cost-effective option for lawn owners who need to trim their lawns regularly.

Disadvantages of 065 Trimmer Line

While the 065 trimmer line has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages, including:

Not Suitable for Heavy-Duty Tasks

The 065 trimmer line is unsuitable for heavy-duty tasks, such as clearing overgrown areas or cutting through thick vegetation. It is designed for light to moderate trimming tasks only.

Prone to Breakage

The 065 trimmer line is thinner than thicker lines, making it more prone to breakage. It may need to be replaced more frequently than thicker lines, increasing maintenance costs.


  • Can I use the 065 trimmer line on any trimmer brand?

Yes, the 065 trimmer line is compatible with most trimmer brands.

  • How often should I replace the 065 trimmer line?

The frequency of replacing the 065 trimmer line depends on how often you use it and the type of vegetation you are trimming. Generally, it is recommended to replace the trimmer line every time you start a new trimming session or when the line becomes too short or broken.

  • Is the 065 trimmer line suitable for edging?

While the 065 trimmer line can be edged, it may need to provide a cleaner cut. Edging requires a more precise cut, which may be better achieved with a thicker trimmer line or a dedicated edging tool.

  • Can I use the 065 trimmer line on a cordless trimmer?

Yes, the 065 trimmer line is compatible with cordless trimmers. However, it is essential to check the trimmer’s manual to ensure it can handle the thinner diameter of the 065 trimmer line.

  • How does the 065 trimmer line compare to other trimmer line sizes?

The 065 trimmer line is thinner than the standard 080 trimmer line but thicker than the 050 trimmer line. It is a medium-duty line suitable for light to moderate trimming tasks, while thicker lines are better for heavy-duty tasks and thicker vegetation.


The 065 trimmer line is a versatile and cost-effective option for lawn owners who need to maintain their lawns regularly. Its smaller diameter makes it perfect for light to moderate trimming tasks and trimming in tight spaces. While it may not be suitable for heavy-duty tasks or thick vegetation, it provides improved flexibility, cutting performance, fuel efficiency, and cost savings.

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