Welcome to our guide on “How to Remove a Screw with No Head from Wood.” In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions and essential tips for successfully extracting a stubborn screw that is stuck in wood without its head. Whether you’re a seasoned woodworker or a DIY enthusiast, dealing with this common issue can be frustrating. However, with the right techniques and tools at your disposal, you’ll be able to tackle this problem effectively and restore your woodwork to its former glory. Let’s dive in!


When a screw becomes stuck in wood without its head, it presents a common challenge for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. This situation often occurs due to various reasons such as over-tightening, corrosion, or accidental breakage. Removing such a screw can be daunting, requiring the right tools and techniques to avoid damaging the wood.

Common methods include using screw extractors, drilling, or gripping the screw shank with pliers. Each approach has its advantages and limitations, depending on the screw’s depth and accessibility. In this guide, we’ll explore effective strategies for safely removing screws with no heads from wood, ensuring successful outcomes without causing harm to the workpiece.

Assessing the Situation

When assessing a situation to remove a screw with no head from wood, follow these steps:

  • Inspect the Screw: Examine the screw to determine its condition and any corrosion present [1].
  • Evaluate Wood Surroundings: Assess the wood around the screw for any damage or potential risks of splintering [1].
  • Consider Screw Depth: Determine how deeply embedded the screw is in the wood, as this affects removal methods [1].
  • Check Accessibility: Ensure there is enough space and access to apply extraction techniques without causing further damage [1].
  • Assess Wood Condition: Take note of the wood’s condition, such as hardness and grain direction, to select appropriate removal tools and techniques [1].
  • Evaluate Surrounding Area: Consider any nearby objects or structures that may be impacted by the removal process [1].

Tools and Materials Needed

To effectively remove a screw with no head from wood, you’ll need a few essential tools and materials:

  • Pliers or Vise-Grips: Essential for gripping the exposed shaft of the screw.
  • Rubber Band: Helps provide additional grip when wrapped around the stripped screw.
  • Drill: Useful for drilling a small hole into the center of the screw’s shaft to insert a screw extractor.
  • Screw Extractor: Needed to grip the screw and turn it out after drilling a hole.
  • Hacksaw or Rotary Tool: Useful for cutting a slot into the screw head to enable removal with a flathead screwdriver.
  • Epoxy or Super Glue: Used in the glue method where it’s applied to a wooden dowel or hex key to extract the screw.

Techniques for Removing the Screw

There are several techniques you can use to extract a screw without its head from wood. Here are several techniques to remove a screw with no head from wood:

  • Rubber Band Method: Place a rubber band over the stripped screw, then insert the screwdriver into the rubber band’s loop. Apply pressure while turning to grip the screw and turn it out. This method provides extra grip [3].
  • Pliers or Vise-Grips: Use locking pliers or vise-grips to grip the exposed shaft of the screw. Apply firm pressure while turning counterclockwise to remove the screw [3].
  • Drill and Screw Extractor: Drill a small hole into the center of the screw’s shaft, then insert a screw extractor. Turn the extractor counterclockwise to remove the screw [3].
  • Cut a Slot: Use a hacksaw or rotary tool to carefully cut a slot into the screw head. Use a flathead screwdriver to turn and remove the screw [3].
  • Glue Method: Apply epoxy or super glue to the tip of a wooden dowel or a hex key, then insert it into the screw’s shaft. Allow the glue to dry and harden, then turn counterclockwise to remove the screw [3].

Precautions and Tips

When removing a screw with no head from the wood, it’s essential to take some precautions to avoid damaging the wood or injuring yourself:

  • Use Proper Tools: Ensure you have the necessary tools like pliers, screw extractors, and drills to avoid damaging the wood [6].
  • Apply Lubricant: Spray a rust penetrant or lubricant on the screw to ease its removal and prevent further damage [1].
  • Be Gentle: Apply gradual pressure when attempting to remove the screw to avoid splintering the wood [6].
  • Protect Surrounding Area: Cover the surrounding area with a cloth or tape to prevent scratches or damage during the extraction process [5].
  • Secure the Workpiece: Ensure the wood is securely clamped or held in place to prevent movement that could lead to accidents [6].
  • Work Slowly: Take your time and work methodically to avoid rushing and causing unnecessary damage [5].
  • Inspect Regularly: Periodically check the progress to assess if the method being used is effective and if adjustments are necessary [6].
  • Wear Safety Gear: Use safety glasses and gloves to protect yourself from potential injuries [6].


In conclusion, removing a screw with no head from wood requires patience and the right tools. First, assess the situation by inspecting the screw and evaluating the surrounding wood. Then, select the appropriate technique based on accessibility and screw depth. Common methods include using screw extractors, drilling, or using locking pliers.

Remember to proceed with caution to avoid damaging the wood and ensure safety. Additionally, consider seeking professional assistance if the screw is deeply embedded or if you’re unsure about the removal process. By following these steps and exercising care, you can effectively remove a screw with no head from the wood.

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