Composite decking is popular for homeowners who want a low-maintenance, durable, and beautiful outdoor living space. Unlike traditional wood decks, composite decks are made from a blend of recycled materials such as plastic and wood fibers, which means they are resistant to rot, mold, and insects. However, composite decking can become dirty and stained over time, like any outdoor surface. One of the most challenging stains to remove from composite decking is grease. This article will discuss How to Remove Grease from Composite Decking and restore its beauty and durability.


Composite decking has become famous for homeowners due to its low maintenance and durability. It is a mixture of recycled materials resistant to rot, mold, and insects. Although composite decking is resistant to stains, grease is a stubborn stain that can cause discoloration and damage to the surface. In this article, we will provide you with a guide on effectively removing grease from composite decking.

Explanation of Composite Decking and its Features

Composite decking is made of recycled materials such as plastic and wood fibers. It is designed to mimic the appearance of traditional wood decking but with greater durability and a longer lifespan. Composite decking is resistant to rot, mold, insects, and weathering. It is low maintenance and easy to clean, making it an ideal choice for homeowners who want a beautiful, long-lasting outdoor living space.

Importance of Maintaining the Beauty and Durability of Composite Decking

Maintaining the beauty and durability of composite decking is essential to ensure its longevity and protect your investment. Regular cleaning and maintenance will prevent the accumulation of dirt and stains that can cause discoloration and damage to the surface. Neglecting the maintenance of composite decking can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can compromise its integrity and safety.

Explanation of the Effects of Grease on Composite Decking

Grease is a common problem in composite decking. It can come from cooking, grilling, or any other oil or grease activity. When grease stains are left untreated, they can attract dirt and other particles that can cause discoloration and damage to the surface. Grease stains can also be slippery and pose a safety hazard for anyone on the deck.

Why is grease a problem on composite decking?

Explanation of what grease is

Grease is a type of oily substance that is commonly found in cooking or grilling activities. While it may be tasty for our meals, grease can cause many problems regarding composite decking. When grease spills onto composite decking, it can seep into the surface and cause discoloration and staining. Grease can also attract dirt and other particles, which can cause further damage to the surface.

Explanation of how grease affects composite decking

Composite decking is made of recycled materials such as plastic and wood fibers. While it is a durable and low-maintenance material, it is not entirely resistant to stains. Grease is a particularly stubborn stain that can be difficult to remove from composite decking. If left untreated, grease can cause permanent damage to the surface, leading to the need for expensive repairs or replacement.

Effects of grease on composite decking

The effects of grease on composite decking can be significant. Grease can cause discoloration, staining, and even permanent damage to the surface. It can also make the surface slippery, posing a safety hazard to anyone on the deck. In addition, grease stains can be unsightly and diminish the appearance of your outdoor living space. Therefore, it is essential to remove grease stains from composite decking as soon as possible to prevent further damage and maintain the beauty and durability of the surface.

Preparing for Grease Removal

Before removing grease from composite decking, taking a few steps to prepare and protect the surrounding areas is essential. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Clear the Deck: Remove all furniture, planters, and other objects from the deck to prevent them from getting in the way during the cleaning process.
  • Sweep the Deck: Using a broom remove loose dirt, debris, or leaves from the deck surface.
  • Protect Nearby Plants: Cover nearby plants with plastic sheeting or tarps to protect them from the cleaning solution or runoff.
  • Test the Cleaning Solution: Before using any cleaning solution on your composite decking, it must be tested on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration.
  • Wear Protective Gear: Wear gloves, goggles, and protective clothing to protect your skin and eyes from the cleaning solution and any debris that may come loose during the cleaning process.
  • Work Safely: Be careful not to slip or fall on the wet deck surface during cleaning. Additionally, be mindful of any electrical outlets or cords that may be present on the deck.

Once you have prepared the deck and gathered your tools and materials, you will begin the grease removal process. Following these steps, you can work safely and effectively while protecting your deck and the surrounding areas from damage.

Tools and Materials Needed

When removing grease from composite decking, you’ll need a few essential tools and materials to complete the job. Here’s what you’ll need:


  1. Stiff bristled brush
  2. Soft-bristled brush
  3. Power washer (optional)
  4. Bucket
  5. Garden hose


  1. Dish soap
  2. Hot water
  3. Composite deck cleaner
  4. Degreaser
  5. Rubber gloves
  6. Safety goggles

By gathering all of these tools and materials, you’ll be fully prepared to tackle any grease stains on your composite decking.

Methods for Removing Grease from Composite Decking

Using Dish Soap and Hot Water

1: Using Dish Soap and Hot Water

One of the simplest and most effective ways to remove grease from composite decking is by using dish soap and hot water. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Mix the Solution: Combine a few drops of dish soap with warm water in a bucket.
  2. Apply the Solution: Dip a soft-bristled brush into the solution and apply it to the grease stain on your composite decking.
  3. Scrub the Area: Gently scrub the area with the brush, covering the entire stain.
  4. Rinse with Water: Use a garden hose or pressure washer to rinse away the cleaning solution and any loosened grease.
  5. Dry the Deck: Use a microfiber cloth to dry the deck surface and remove any remaining grease or cleaning solution.

Using dish soap and hot water is a safe and effective way to remove grease from composite decking. Here are some advantages of this method:

  • It’s gentle: Dish soap is a mild, non-abrasive cleaner that won’t damage your composite decking.
  • It’s easy: You already have dish soap and warm water on hand, making this method a convenient and affordable option.
  • It’s practical: Hot water helps to break down grease and grime, making it easier to remove from your deck surface.

To achieve the best results with this method, follow these tips:

  • Use warm water: Hot water is more effective than cold water at breaking down grease and dirt.
  • Be gentle: Avoid using too much pressure when scrubbing the deck surface to prevent damage to the composite material.
  • Rinse thoroughly: Rinse away all the cleaning solution and any loosened grease to avoid residue buildup.

Following these steps and tips, you can effectively remove grease from your composite decking using dish soap and hot water.

Composite Deck Cleaner

2: Using a Composite Deck Cleaner

Another effective way to remove grease from composite decking is using a composite deck cleaner designed explicitly for this purpose. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Choose the Right Cleaner: Choose a composite deck cleaner formulated to remove grease and oil stains.
  2. Prepare the Solution: Mix the cleaner according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Apply the Solution: Use a sprayer, or watering can apply the cleaner to the affected area.
  4. Scrub the Area: Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub the area, covering the entire stain gently.
  5. Rinse with Water: Use a garden hose or pressure washer to rinse away the cleaning solution and any loosened grease.
  6. Dry the Deck: Use a microfiber cloth to dry the deck surface and remove any remaining grease or cleaning solution.

Using a composite deck cleaner is a highly effective way to remove grease from composite decking. Here are some advantages of this method:

  • It’s efficient: Composite deck cleaners are specifically formulated to remove tough stains like grease and oil.
  • It’s easy: Apply the cleaner, let it sit for the recommended time, and rinse it away.
  • It’s safe: Most composite deck cleaners are safe for use on composite decking and won’t damage the surface.

To achieve the best results with this method, follow these tips:

  • Choose the right cleaner: Choose a cleaner specifically formulated to remove grease and oil stains.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing and applying the cleaner.
  • Protect surrounding areas: Cover nearby plants and furniture to prevent damage from the cleaning solution.
  • Rinse thoroughly: Rinse away all the cleaning solution and any loosened grease to prevent residue buildup.

Following these steps and tips, using a composite deck cleaner, you can effectively remove grease from your composite decking.

Power Washer

3: Using a Power Washer

A power washer is another effective method for removing grease from composite decking. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Choose the Right Nozzle: Use a fan or rotary nozzle with a PSI rating of 1,000-1,200.
  2. Apply the Detergent: Apply a degreasing detergent to the affected area using a pump sprayer.
  3. Let It Sit: Allow the detergent to sit on the deck for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Set the Power Washer: Set the power washer to low pressure and begin washing from a safe distance, working in a sweeping motion.
  5. Increase the Pressure: Increase the pressure if necessary until the stain is removed.
  6. Rinse the Deck: Rinse the deck thoroughly with water.

Using a power washer is a highly effective way to remove grease from composite decking. Here are some advantages of this method:

  • It’s highly effective: Power washing effectively removes tough stains like grease and oil.
  • It’s fast: Using a power washer can save you time and effort compared to scrubbing by hand.
  • It’s versatile: Power washers can be used for various outdoor cleaning tasks.

To achieve the best results with this method, follow these tips:

  • Choose the proper nozzle: Use a fan or rotary nozzle with a PSI rating of 1,000-1,200 for the best results.
  • Use the suitable detergent: Choose a degreasing detergent that is safe for use on composite decking.
  • Please test a small area first: Test the power washer on a small, inconspicuous deck area to ensure it won’t damage the surface.
  • Don’t get too close: Use the power washer from a safe distance to avoid damaging the deck surface.
  • Use low pressure: Start with low pressure and increase as necessary to avoid damage to the deck.

Following these steps and tips, using a power washer, you can effectively remove grease from your composite decking.

4: Using a Degreaser

Using a degreaser is another effective method for removing grease from composite decking. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Choose the Right Degreaser: Select a degreaser that is safe for use on composite decking.
  2. Dilute the Degreaser: Dilute the degreaser according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Apply the Degreaser: Apply the degreaser to the affected area using a pump sprayer.
  4. Let It Sit: Allow the degreaser to sit on the deck for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Scrub the Deck: Use a stiff bristle brush to scrub the affected area.
  6. Rinse the Deck: Rinse the deck thoroughly with water.

Using a degreaser is an effective way to remove grease from composite decking. Here are some advantages of this method:

  • It’s convenient: Degreasers are specifically formulated to break down grease and oil, making them an effective solution for tough stains.
  • It’s safe: If you choose a degreaser that is safe for use on composite decking, this method won’t damage the deck.
  • It’s easy: Using a degreaser is a simple process requiring no specialized equipment.

To achieve the best results with this method, follow these tips:

  • Choose the proper degreaser: Make sure you select a degreaser that is safe for use on composite decking.
  • Dilute the degreaser: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for diluting the degreaser to ensure it is effective.
  • Scrub the deck: Scrub a stiff bristle brush to scrub the affected area thoroughly.
  • Rinse thoroughly: Rinse the deck thoroughly with water to remove all traces of the degreaser.

Following these steps and tips, you can effectively remove grease from your composite decking using a degreaser.


After removing grease from your composite decking, it’s essential to maintain the deck’s appearance and prevent future grease stains. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Rinse the Deck: Rinse the deck thoroughly with water to remove any residue from the grease removal process.
  2. Dry the Deck: Allow the deck to dry completely before using it.
  3. Inspect the Deck: Inspect the deck for any damage the grease may have caused.
  4. Regular Cleaning: Perform routine cleaning and maintenance to keep the deck in good condition. This includes sweeping the deck regularly and washing it with soap and water as needed.

To prevent future grease stains on your composite decking, follow these tips:

  • Use a Grill Mat: Place a grill mat under your grill to catch any grease or oil that may drip onto the deck.
  • Clean Spills Immediately: Clean up any spills on the deck immediately to prevent them from soaking into the composite material.
  • Avoid Heavy Grease Buildup: Avoid heavy grease buildup on the deck by regularly cleaning your grill and other equipment.

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to maintain the beauty and durability of your composite decking. This includes sweeping the deck regularly to remove dirt and debris and washing it with soap and water as needed. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and maintenance.

In conclusion, removing grease from composite decking can be done using various methods, including dish soap and hot water, composite deck cleaner, power washing, and degreaser. After removing the grease, maintain the deck’s appearance and prevent future stains. Following these tips can keep your composite decking looking beautiful for years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use bleach to remove grease stains from composite decking?

Bleach is not recommended for removing grease stains from composite decking as it can cause discoloration and damage to the surface. It’s best to use a degreaser or a composite deck cleaner designed explicitly for this purpose.

How often should I clean my composite decking?

Composite decking should be cleaned at least twice a year. However, it may need more frequent cleaning depending on its location, exposure to weather elements, and foot traffic. Regular cleaning and maintenance will help preserve the beauty and durability of your composite decking.

Can I use a pressure washer on my composite decking?

Yes, you can use a pressure washer on your composite decking, but you must be careful not to use too much pressure or get too close to the surface. High pressure can cause damage to the decking and strip away the protective coating. Use a fan tip and keep the pressure below 3000 psi.

Are there any chemicals I should avoid using on my composite decking?

Yes, you should avoid using harsh chemicals or solvents on your composite decking, as they can cause discoloration and damage to the surface. Avoid using acetone, paint thinner, or any abrasive cleaners. Stick to mild detergents, soap, and water, or use a composite deck cleaner recommended by the manufacturer.


Composite decking is a popular and durable choice for outdoor spaces. However, it’s essential to maintain its beauty and structural integrity. Grease stains are a common issue that can be easily remedied with the right tools and techniques. This article discussed various methods for removing grease from composite decking, including dish soap and hot water, composite deck cleaner, power washing, and degreasers. It’s essential to take the necessary precautions, such as protecting surrounding areas, wearing protective gear, and following the instructions carefully to avoid damaging the decking surface.

After removing the grease, taking care of the composite decking properly is crucial. Regular cleaning and maintenance can prevent future stains and prolong the life of the decking. Some final tips for success include avoiding harsh chemicals and abrasive tools, testing any new cleaning method on a small, inconspicuous area first, and addressing any spills or stains immediately.

Removing grease from composite decking is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with a few tools and a little effort. Taking care of your composite decking keeps it looking great and ensures that it will last for years to come.

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